Day 294: As you take your first steps.

This time last year, you were one year old and crawling. We took you to restaurants, Grandma’s house, and your aunts’ houses, and you crawled around everywhere. That was before everything shut down.

When you took your first steps, we were in the living room – your daddy, big brother, and me. We held our breath and counted – one, two, three, four! Your face lit up when we clapped, and you tried again and again.

Your walk became a swerving zombie run. Something in you just wanted to GO, before your sense of balance could catch up! Your run became a force of will, and you tried to dive over steps, into bushes, over any obstacle in your path. We hovered over you, behind you, in front of you, trying to keep those little feet steady and head upright.

We had a Zoom birthday party for you and propped you up on the table with the presents so all your family could watch. When you opened your little red car, you almost rode it off the kitchen table! After that, you didn’t want to get off. You ride that little car everywhere.

Today I watch you leave with your big brother for your first day of preschool. As you step out the door of our little condo, the universe expands. The sidewalk extends with every step, will keep extending as far as you want to go.

What am I grateful for today?

All went well today.

Your blatherings